Monday, February 27, 2012

The survey says...

It's a GIRL!!! A girl, girl girl! We're having a little baby girl!

I would be thrilled no matter what the gender of the baby ended up being, but I must admit to harboring some hope that I would have a daughter. I couldn't help but hope for a little partner in crime...and let's face it, the clothes are adooooorable! Jon is very excited, too. He was hoping for a girl from the beginning. As we went along, we were both on the fence, seeing positives to both genders. But, I think I was secretly hoping a little harder for a girl.

I had my ultrasound on Thursday evening, February 23 and I was soooo happy that Jon could be there for it. He hasn't been able to make it to any of my other appointments because of his work schedule. It was an amazing experience having him there, holding my hand through the entire thing. I started full on sobbing  when I saw my baby on the screen. The last time I saw her she wasn't much more than a blob with a beating heart. This time she looked like a legit baby! What a difference a couple of months makes. I am so excited and cannot wait to be holding my baby in my arms. Twenty weeks to go!

And when she gets here, she'll be able to sleep in the cradle that has been passed down in my family. We just picked the cradle up from my Uncle Craig and Aunt Nikki's last weekend and if I have it straight, I believe my great Aunt Dee got it for my uncle when he was born. It was then used by me, my brother Zack, my cousins: Matt, Kyle, Jake, Connor and Katie, my nephew Cody and my nieces: Brittany and Macey.

Harper Catherine Babcock will be next. <3

Here's Harper at 19 weeks, one day, although measuring at 19 weeks, four days. My due date may be off a bit.

1 comment:

  1. i don't remember using this thing!!! (hehehe) -lovekyle
